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Premade layouts

The K-scaffold offers several mixins that automatically create layouts commonly used in sheets. These layout mixins use the basic mixins for creating attributes and abilities and add additional functionality.


The needs of character sheets mean that frequently you need to create inputs that have a label associated with them. In order to make your sheet as accessible as possible, these should also use the html label element. The K-scaffold's label mixins create premade layouts for the label text and the input or button.

Label Basics

All of the label mixins use the same basic format:

  inputObj:{name:'my attribute',type:'text'},
  spanObj:{'data-i18n':'my label'}
  inputObj:{name:'my attribute',type:'text'},
  spanObj:{'data-i18n':'my label'}
<label class="input-label">
  <span class="input-label__text" data-i18n="my label"></span>
  <input class="input-label__input" name="attr_my_attribute" type="text">
<label class="input-label">
  <span class="input-label__text" data-i18n="my label"></span>
  <input class="input-label__input" name="attr_my_attribute" type="text">

The K-scaffold's styling presets will give these elements a flexbox display and spacing. You can override these settings, or use the K-scaffold's utility classes to give this construction the layout that you want.

Fill to left

Many RPG systems use pip systems or another display where the user fills in boxes from the start of the boxes to the end to denote how much of a resource they have use or have available. The Roll20 sheet author community has solved how to do this easily, but the solution does require lots of html and styling. The K-scaffold's fillLeft mixin provides this functionality out of the box with easily customizable styling.

  radioObj:{name:'my radio',value:2},
  radioObj:{name:'my radio',value:2},
<div class="fill-left my-custom-class">
  <input class="fill-left__radio" name="attr_my_radio" value="0" type="hidden" title="@{my_radio}"/>
  <input class="fill-left__radio" name="attr_my_radio" value="1" type="checkbox" title="@{my_radio}"/>
  <input class="fill-left__radio" name="attr_my_radio" value="2" checked type="checkbox" title="@{my_radio}"/>
  <input class="fill-left__radio" name="attr_my_radio" value="3" type="checkbox" title="@{my_radio}"/>
  <input class="fill-left__radio" name="attr_my_radio" value="4" type="checkbox" title="@{my_radio}"/>
  <input class="fill-left__radio" name="attr_my_radio" value="5" type="checkbox" title="@{my_radio}"/>
<div class="fill-left my-custom-class">
  <input class="fill-left__radio" name="attr_my_radio" value="0" type="hidden" title="@{my_radio}"/>
  <input class="fill-left__radio" name="attr_my_radio" value="1" type="checkbox" title="@{my_radio}"/>
  <input class="fill-left__radio" name="attr_my_radio" value="2" checked type="checkbox" title="@{my_radio}"/>
  <input class="fill-left__radio" name="attr_my_radio" value="3" type="checkbox" title="@{my_radio}"/>
  <input class="fill-left__radio" name="attr_my_radio" value="4" type="checkbox" title="@{my_radio}"/>
  <input class="fill-left__radio" name="attr_my_radio" value="5" type="checkbox" title="@{my_radio}"/>

This uses checkboxes as an easy way to clear the fill to left area.

Collapsible content

Another frequent layout pattern in a digital character sheet is that there is a collapsed and expanded view of various sections on the sheet. This is particularly true of the individual items of a repeating section. The K-scaffold provides the collapse mixin to easily create a controller for this setup. In addition it provides the collapse-container, collapsed, and expanded utility classes for creating these different views.

Collapsing repeating content

In repeating sections, you simply need the mixin and the collapsed and expanded classes.

  span Always displayed content
  span.collapsed Content displayed when collapsed
  span.expanded Content displayed when expanded
  span Always displayed content
  span.collapsed Content displayed when collapsed
  span.expanded Content displayed when expanded

Collapsing non repeating content

Outside of a repeating section, you need to use the collapse-container utility class to define what element holds the collapsible elements and the collapse control. You also need to specify a unique name for the collapse mixin.

  +collapse('my collapse')
  span Always displayed content
  span.collapsed Content displayed when collapsed
  span.expanded Content displayed when expanded
  +collapse('my collapse')
  span Always displayed content
  span.collapsed Content displayed when collapsed
  span.expanded Content displayed when expanded

Nesting collapsible elements

You can also use the collapse-container class to create nesting collapsible elements.

  +collapse('my collapse')
  span Always displayed content
    +collapse('nested collapse')
    span Always displayed content
    span.collapsed Content displayed when collapsed
    span.expanded Content displayed when expanded
  span.expanded Content displayed when expanded
  +collapse('my collapse')
  span Always displayed content
    +collapse('nested collapse')
    span Always displayed content
    span.collapsed Content displayed when collapsed
    span.expanded Content displayed when expanded
  span.expanded Content displayed when expanded

Content scaled elements

Character sheets frequently have inputs and textareas that need to grow based on the content that a user has entered. The K-scaffold's adaptive mixins provide this functionality without needing to manually recreate the styling created by the sheet author community.

Both adaptiveInput and adaptiveTextarea work the same. adaptiveTextarea will be used for demonstration purposes:

+adaptiveTextarea({name:'character description'})
+adaptiveTextarea({name:'character description'})
<div class="adaptive adaptive--text">
  <span class="adaptive--text__span" name="attr_character_description" title="@{character_description}"></span>
  <textarea class="adaptive--text__textarea" name="attr_character_description" title="@{character_description}"></textarea>
<div class="adaptive adaptive--text">
  <span class="adaptive--text__span" name="attr_character_description" title="@{character_description}"></span>
  <textarea class="adaptive--text__textarea" name="attr_character_description" title="@{character_description}"></textarea>

The K-scaffold's included styling will allow this textarea to auto size vertically. You can also override this styling to give a different minimum height (or width in the case of the input), or a different maximum.

Compendium Attributes

If your system has a compendium on Roll20, you probably want to integrate your sheet with the system's compendium. The first step to doing this is creating attributes to accept the dropped information from the compendium and an element to target with the drop.

All in one mixin

The K-scaffold provides an all in one solution for creating the drop target and the attributes.

  |Rest of your sheet code here
  |Rest of your sheet code here

This will create a compendium drop target div as well as the attributes to accept the drop information. See the reference for more detailed information.

Note that the vttCategories must be categories that Roll20 has marked as direct vtt drop capable. This is something you will need to work with Roll20 on to enable if your categories are not already marked as such. Common categories like NPCs or Vehicles should already be marked as such.

Released under the MIT License